Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thinking about Cambodia....

In preperation for our time in Cambodia, Tyson and I have been reading these two books:

Both books are about surviving the Khmer Rouge, told by people who did just that.  We wanted to feel like we had a little more knowledge about the hardships that Cambodians have faced over the last few decades, and these books have done that well.  We would highly recommend them if you want to learn a bit more about this subject.

When we go to Phnom Penh, we are planning on visiting both the Choeung Ek Memorial (the killing fields) and the Toul Sleng Genocide Museum (where an estimated 17,000-20,000 people were held captive, tortured and executed) Check it out:

We are also hoping to watch this movie:

....but there are currently 12 holds ahead of me at the library :(

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tickets are Booked!

Last night we finally pulled the trigger and bought our plane tickets!  We'll be flying in and out of Bangkok, departing March 6th and returning April 17th. 

Warm sunny beaches, we are headed your way!