Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The last day!

Today was the last day of our incredible trip!  We can't believe how fast it's gone by, and at the same time we are excited to be heading back to our lives in Canada.

On Monday morning we took the train from Bandung to Jakarta, then a cab to the airport, and then caught our flight back to Bangkok.  We ready to crash when we finally made it to our hotel.

Today we took the sky-train into downtown, since we haven't actaully seen Bangkok aside from it's stunning airport (for reals) and stunning central train station (not for reals).

A day of lasts:

Last tuk-tuk ride

Last chance to scarf down 30-baht mango-sticky-rice

Last cheap pedicure

Last coconut ice-cream 

 Last peruse through the local 7-Eleven.  
(There are literally 3 of these on every city block, and their air-conditioned store provided a safe haven from the heat, as well as a place to break our large currency, the guarantee of cheap bottled water, Magnum ice-cream bars and other fine Thai delacacies.)

On the way home we saw this dog with eye-brows:

Tomorrow morning we have a 3:30am wake-up call, as our first of three flights leaves at 6:00am.  We fly to Japan, then into Seattle, and then finally into Calgary.  

Thanks for reading!  


  1. This looks like an amazing trip!! I love finding other bloggers from Calgary!! :)

    1. Thanks Alison! I sort of started a 'personal blog' but haven't made it public yet- maybe once I get into more of a blogging groove! hah. Take care.

  2. Found your blog via another. My husband and I just got back a couple weeks ago from Chiang Rai and Bangkok. Amazing country. Looks like you had an awesome trip!

  3. Laura, my dear, you have no e-mail on your profile page. You are a 'no-reply' blogger. Glad I found you here ; ). I'm so glad you like my quilt. It was a make it up as you go along type of quilt. The arrows are my own tutorial from May 1 2014. The tutorial is on my blog on that date. I'd love to see what you do with your own version.

    1. Oh dear- I will have to change that, I am sorry! Glad you found me. I will tag you if I start any of those blocks!
